The A7s is here and it’s an amazing camera for both video and still photographers! You can read the full details at Sony US (Click here). The only bad news is that it doesn’t record 4K on SD card. You will have to use an external recorder. But for the rest this is an amazing camera. It has ISO up to 409600! The best dynamic range and color fidelity of any Full Frame Sensor yet.
A7s sites in different languages at Sony US, DE, UK, ES, FR, IT, NL, SE, FI, PL. The camera is listed at BHphoto but with no price or preorder option.
A7s characteristics
ISO 50-409600
extreme high dynamic range and color fidelity (So Sony says without to share numbers yet)
4K recording with no pixel binning
4K recording on external records only (internal recording only Full HD)
4:2:2 color sampling with external recorder
The “S” stays for “sensivity
Price will be announced later and release in “Summer”. Some other sites said price should be $1,699. But take this with a huge grain of salt!
Full press text follows on bottom of this post

видео конечно нужно смотреть в 4к
A7s sites in different languages at Sony US, DE, UK, ES, FR, IT, NL, SE, FI, PL. The camera is listed at BHphoto but with no price or preorder option.
A7s characteristics
ISO 50-409600
extreme high dynamic range and color fidelity (So Sony says without to share numbers yet)
4K recording with no pixel binning
4K recording on external records only (internal recording only Full HD)
4:2:2 color sampling with external recorder
The “S” stays for “sensivity
Price will be announced later and release in “Summer”. Some other sites said price should be $1,699. But take this with a huge grain of salt!
Full press text follows on bottom of this post

видео конечно нужно смотреть в 4к
Хорошо в статике, а вот как бы эта прелесть работала в динамике?