February 4, 2015
Using Capture One Pro 8 with Lightroom and Photoshop
We understand that if you have a mature catalog in Lightroom then its a big ask to move everything to Capture One! But what if you could maintain your catalog in Lightroom and enjoy the superior image processing in Capture One?
It's perfectly simply to do and in this webinar we will show you how. However, since Capture One Pro 8.1 it is now possible to 'round trip' from Capture One to Photoshop, with no need to manually import exported images back into the catalog or session. So maybe now is the time to try Capture One in your workflow again? Our critics hail us for the exceptional quality of default RAW conversion rendering, for colour accuracy, noise reduction and getting the best details from an image. So, why not enjoy this in Capture One as well and not limit your imagery?
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February 12, 2015
Get the most out of Capture One Pro 8.1
Capture One Pro 8.1 added a number of new features to help your work faster and smarter.
These include the much requested round trip to Photoshop, New Quick cursor tools, more ways to name and rename your files and much more! In this webinar we will show how to use each of these new features and how they assist your workflow. If you are still new to Capture One or even just curious, then take the time to watch a slick workflow in action.
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February 18, 2015
Professional Retouching Workflow with Natalia Taffarel
Natalia Taffarel was born in Argentina and describes her life as retouching.
She says.. "I find the retouching process an inspired way to take a good image and develop it in to something perfect, or to make a perfect image amazing. I’m a neurotic, detail maniac, control freak who thinks beauty is shown solely through the details. Everything has a hidden beauty and it’s my job to unleash it."
In this Webinar, Natalia shows why she believes Capture One Pro delivers the best colour and detail of any RAW converter. "I am a colour control freak and that is the main reason why I use Capture One. The colour palette seems more extensive then any other RAW converter, allowing me to really control the final output."
Learn more about Natalia and her work here
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February 25, 2015
New to Capture One Pro 8? What do you need to know?
Whether you are a new user, considering an upgrade to Capture One from an earlier version or just want to brush up on your foundation knowledge of Capture One, this webinar is for you.
Our imaging Expert will make sure you are orientated with the newer interface and increased performance of Capture One Pro 8. Simple workflow techniques will be shown to get images in and out of Capture One in the minimum of time and the minimum of fuss. The best tools that make your images shine will also be shown. For example HDR (highlight and shadow recovery), Local Adjustments, Clarity, Noise reduction and more.
Don’t miss out and upgrade your workflow and technique.
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